- Arts & Culture
- Building & Housing
- Education
- Emergency Services
- Energy
- Environment
- Health
- Insurance & Finance
- International Development
- Iwi & Māori
- Justice
- Labour Market
- Local Government
- Primary Industries
- Public Sector
- Regulatory
- Science & Innovation
- Sports & Recreation
- Transport
- Welfare & Social Services
Local Government
The sector is under significant pressure to improve services, to better manage and regulate the use of land and natural resources, and to maintain and strengthen physical and social infrastructure – all while operating with funding constraints.
MartinJenkins has a strong record of working with local government in the areas of economic development, sector strategy, governance, and organisational performance and change, in order to achieve better outcomes for cities and communities.
Our expertise
Service and system design – advising on better ways to deliver and manage services
Amalgamation proposals and shared services - advising on options and the associated costs and benefits
Economic development – strategy and policy development, economic modelling, cost-benefit analysis, implementation and monitoring
Financial and risk modelling – fees and revenue policies, cost-benefit analysis, and modelling of changes to services and networks
Environmental policy and regulation – advising on and assessing policy options, supporting policy design and implementation, and evaluating performance
Governance – council-controlled organisations (CCOs), service-delivery and asset-ownership models, and governance and decision-making structures for councils
Strategy and planning – leadership and support for the development and review of plans and strategies
Organisational design and performance – ensuring organisations are fit for purpose, aligning governance and management, and reviewing efficiency and effectiveness
Investment decisions and value-for-money assessments.
Our clients
District, city and regional councils
Council-controlled organisations
Economic development agencies
Central government agencies
Chambers of commerce
Sector and industry associations.
MartinJenkins is a LGNZ Preferred Partner.
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